The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16784   Message #159752
Posted By: InOBU
07-Jan-00 - 07:59 PM
Thread Name: Did you know William Kunstler Esq. ?
Subject: RE: Did you know William Kunstler Esq. ?
A small correction, important to Lawyers for one and another reason. Ron (sometimes lovingly called the Surly One by a dear departed friend) was Bills partner. The firm name was Kunstler and Kuby. An associate is a subordinate, and Bill did not treat Ron as such in business or otherwise. I know the error was not meant, but in fairness to the Surly One, I add this correction. and a Ron story. There is an elderly judge, who we will not name, as he is still on the bench. Ron and I were leaving a court room and Ron says, loudly enough for even the deafest judge to hear.. Old Judge E_____ was a truman appointee, and a great friend of Roy Cohans. He used to go to all of Roys partys. I hope he goes to the next one!
All the best