The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82418   Message #1597550
Posted By: Naemanson
04-Nov-05 - 03:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Happily Ever After In Guam
Subject: RE: BS: Happily Ever After In Guam
Well, we finished water blasting the roof. And we did the worst of the sides of the house, where the eave is broken off. The mold was thick and black there and came off in chunks, splattering me with black chunks and water. We ended the job by cleaning the crust of dirt off of the cars.

I have been reading a very good book. I recommend it to anyone who is interested in the early days of the samurai. The name of the book is simply Musashi. It is a novel of the life of the man considered to be the first samurai. He codified the mix of violence and philosophy that made the samurai of subsequent years a more refined class of people. Essentially he wrote the Japanese equivalent of the rules of chivalry that the European knights professed to follow. He had an interesting life. He was a ronin, a masterless swordsman, who wandered the roads seeking to perfect his skill with the sword. Nobody could beat him. However, instead of swaggering around, proud of his ability, he took each fight as an opportunity to learn and he saw each event that he encountered as a lesson in how life should be lived.

I have started to sell some of my library on E-Bay. I cataloged my science fiction books and did a little research. Most of them are, as expected, worth little. But I have a few surprises. One of them is a little paperback Armed Services Edition of H. P. Lovecraft's Dunwich Horror and Other Tales. I found it listed on other sites for between $50 and $85! I also have two first editions of Dune that are selling pretty good on E-Bay right now. It should be interesting to see what else this stuff goes for. I also have to whittle down the record collection. I am going to throw out most of the old classical music albums. I will sell the old R&R stuff, Beatles, Rolling Stones, etc., on E-Bay or some other site.

I am selling this stuff because I need to make room for Wakana in this house. Most of the stuff around us is mine. She owns the couch, and most of the stuff in the bedroom closet but not much else. There is a lot of stuff we bought together. And there are her mother's paintings. But it doesn't take up much room here and she does have a bunch of stuff in Japan that should, by rights, come here. There's no real hurry because she doesn't have enough money to get the stuff here but someday she will if she ever gets out there to find a job.

I have three job applications to fill out. I had forgotten how much I hate to fill those out. What a pain. And I have to put together a resume. I must be the only adult male in the world who completely forgot that I woudl have to make up a resume if I wanted to work for a living.

Sigh, here it is, 7:00 AM, and I am sighing over work to be done. I guess the vacation is over.