The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3178   Message #15978
Posted By: Moira Cameron
07-Nov-97 - 11:09 PM
Thread Name: Songs about Bloody Gore -- But Just For Laughs
Subject: RE: Bloody Gore -- But Just For Laughs
I'm presently in the studio mixing my second album. The studio engineer is a person who has never come in contact with the type of music that I do; that is, traditional folk songs and ballads. I guess I've become somewhat immune to the amount of violence and gore described in these songs that I so love. His comments, all in good humour of course, have caused me to see them from another perspective.

How about 'Lady Diamond' for an ultra gory ballad. Her father orders his men to murder and mutilate her lover, and then she is presented with his heart in a cup of gold. I guess I can't really call my album "Family Entertainment"; or maybe it is, considering the number of dysfunctional families out there. Of course, the songs listed by others on this discussion that are invented by children are much more graphic.

Oh well, as long as it's all for fun!