The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86065   Message #1598393
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
05-Nov-05 - 07:54 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Songs from Put's Songsters
Subject: Lyr Add: AND THUS HE SPOKE (John A. Stone)
John A. Stone
Air: The Fatal Separation

One stormy night, when winds blew wild
Around the cabin door,
A miner sat on a three-legged stool-
The reason, it had not four.

And thus he spoke, while from his eye
A tear rolled down his cheek-
"Oh, give me back my little home,
For that is all I seek."

"I once possessed a cheerful heart,
A poor though happy home,
Until misfortune did us part,
And doomed me here to roam."

"The cry of gold gave life to life,
A ray of hope appeared;
I started in the hellish strife,
And found it as I feared."

"The wind is howling worse and worse-
I know not what it means,
Nor do I care a single curse-
For I have burned my beans!"

p. 35, John A. Stone, "Put's Golden Songster.

And a food joke-
"During the recent war in India, a native commander captured a lot of English provisions, and among them several thousand circular canisters of preserved meats and fish. The natives thought these were canisters of missiles (called cannister-shot), and they fired them right into the British camp. One of the officers wrote home as follows: "For the last two days we have had showers of provisions fired into out fort, such as cooked lobster, turkey, chicken and other delicacies. Our soldiers are having a feast. The enemy have mistaken our preserved meats for canister-shot, and are using them for ammunition."
P. 34, "Put's Golden Songster."
[I believe it was the Franklin Expedition in which many perished from lead poisoning due to the solder in canned goods of the day, and a steady diet of the same.]