The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86085   Message #1598994
Posted By: Bill D
06-Nov-05 - 09:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'LIVE' west wing...a flopp!!!!!
Subject: RE: BS: 'LIVE' west wing...a flopp!!!!!
well....It's a strange day when I have to actually agree with tarheel! *grin*....

It was an 'interesting' idea, and it did show some of the bones of some of the issues, but they simply didn't write as good lines for the Republican...(Alan Alda). It was a scripted attempt to look like and UN scripted event, and it felt awkward.

I think the program has written itself into a corner, where they have chosen two 'candidates' for their imaginary election, neither of which is very believable. I hope they do something to salvage the season, as I have enjoyed the 'almost' realistic presentation of issues for the last several years.

we shall see......