The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85957   Message #1599146
Posted By: Tim theTwangler
07-Nov-05 - 04:27 AM
Thread Name: 'Men's Songs' or 'Women's Songs'?!
Subject: RE: 'Men's Songs' or 'Women's Songs'?!
This is "Back home on the Farm"

I listened to a BBC world service report and they interveiwed a child who had ended up in the sex trade being sold to men in the so called civilized, or some times advanced nations of Europe.
They interveiwed the parents,extended families and even some of the perpetraters who had been caught.
The impression I was left with was that none of the officials of the countries where this child was kidnapped and those where they were forced to "work" were really that bothered by their plight.
After all there was a profit being made and foriegn income to their coffers.
But I digress is this a womans song or a mans?

Stolen from my parents farm
By an ugly man in a rusty car
He drove for hours we went so far
He locked me in a room

He brought his friends to see his trophy
Many of them paid to have me
Made me sick made me sore
I never had a man before

Took me on a mighty jet plane
Far across a sparkling ocean
To a land I never knew
Another room without a view

Many men ten or twenty
Every day even Sunday
Other children here with me
Sometimes we would cry

Now the needles seem so friendly
Bring me back my loving family
For a while I can be
Back home on the farm

There the summer sun is shining
There my dog for me is pining
There is where I want to be
With the other me.

There the summer sun is shining
Stolen childhood days are dying
There is where I want to be
With the real me.

I have performed this once in a local Pub.
There was a shocked hush around the place ,one startled burst of laughter was breifly heard,embarrassment? Maybe but soon choked of by the angry stares from the other patrons.
Mostly men BTW.

I think it does carry my emotions at hearing the graphic account of a child as a peice of meat and source of income but they are a guys emotions,and that I cant avoid.
Is it a womans song or a mans though?
I should have been comfortably flippant I know but hey I am a nasty aggressive man.