The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86095   Message #1599271
Posted By: Stu
07-Nov-05 - 08:47 AM
Thread Name: Draught Guinness
Subject: RE: Draught Guinness
Thanks for the heads up on the fact all UK Guinness is now brewed in Dublin. I stopped drinking the stuff ages ago as I moved onto real ale, but may try a pint in the session on Friday night and see how it is.

Smooth flow bitters are indeed to be avoided at all costs - they are insipid imitations of the real thing. The Salopian brewing Company also do a superb 5% porter called 'Entire' that is excellent, all though too strong for a session beer for me.

I was in South-West Ireland once when we went into a bar in Kenmare where there was a Murphy's promotional night going on, and they were giving the beer away free. Suffice to say it doesn't get much better than that.