The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29897   Message #1599784
Posted By: GUEST,Art Thieme
08-Nov-05 - 01:06 AM
Thread Name: Help: Illinois/Chicago Songs
Subject: RE: Help: Illinois/Chicago Songs

Be sure to give Jim Craig and Ed Holstein my love!! It ought to be a fine show. Jim had the best voice to come out of the Chicago revival scene from my point of view. And I still try to pick the banjo I bought from him at Hogeye a while back.----- Ed Holstein is as droll a monologist/humorist as you'll ever here---and a great fingerpicker to boot. It's great to see that the Old Town School of FOLK MUSIC still is providing some part of their big doings these days to a few of the really good singers and pickers who came up in that town back in the '60s and '70s of the last century. God knows, there are fewer and fewer (and fewer) of us still kicking around-----even if we're not gigging around any more.---------- Yes, it will be a fine show, I am certain!!!

The Fifth Peg, where you worked, was the only bar I was ever thrown out of. I was hanging in there with my wife one night when an infamous junky and drunk was hitting on her pretty hard even though she was very obviously seven months pregnant! All I did was push him away from her and the none too stable guy (and his bar stool) went crashing to the floor. Everyone seemed sure I'd swung on the fellow---which I hadn't. But I was advised I ought to be thinking about going home pretty quick. People still tell me they remember the night I decked Mark J. at the Fifth Peg. All we'd wanted to do that night was listen to John Prine...

Ah, nostalgia!!!

Art Thieme