The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86111   Message #1600860
Posted By: katlaughing
09-Nov-05 - 03:13 PM
Thread Name: Masterpiece Theatre & Bagpipe tunes
Subject: RE: Masterpiece Theatre & Bagpipe tunes
Glad to know I wasn't the only one!

Unfortunately, I just found this, in answer to your query of where it was filmed:

from 24.02.05

The BBC is under fire for opting to film the famous adventure story Kidnapped in New Zealand, rather than in Scotland where it was originally set.

While Robert Louis Stevenson set his tale in the rugged hills and glens of Scotland, the BBC shunned it for North Otago.

Head of BBC children�s drama Elaine Sperber told the Scottish Press Association that New Zealand offered better choice.

Scotland lacked panoramic views and was littered with telegraph poles, pylons and caravans, she said.

There's more at the website link. Is that true about Scotland? I find it hard to believe it is so littered, esp. farther north!
