The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86085   Message #1601170
Posted By: Linda Goodman Zebooker
10-Nov-05 - 12:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: 'LIVE' west wing...a flopp!!!!!
Subject: RE: BS: 'LIVE' west wing...a flopp!!!!!
Oh, but that's Kristin Chenoweth! I think she's kind of wasted in that part...I'm more familiar with her as a singer, I first heard her on Prairie Home Companion and seen her at Wolf Trap (summer performing arts venue) She does the most amazing 30's Broadway numbers!!! (and I do, ahem, always take an interest in other 5' tall people!). But she's almost impossible to understand on the show. I often watch the show wearing headphones- it's almost the only way I can hear what's going on.

I didn't watch the show at all until about last March or April. I'd try to watch for a few minutes every once in awhile but it just seemed to be a bunch of people galloping through corridors, mumbling unintelligibly, and I'd give up. Then the cable channel started playing episodes in order, beginning with the first one - so I could finally figure out who the heck the characters were - and then I was hooked.

In 1999 or 2000 they filmed a few minutes of one of the episodes on N Street in DC - a few doors down from where I worked. The street was cordoned off all day and there were people sitting in real director's chairs set up. A taxi was filmed going down the street over and over. Bystanders kept whispering "there's Rob LOWE!!!!" (who??, I thought). I've never quite figured out which program that was - possibly Mandatory Minimums.