The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86213   Message #1601747
Posted By: GUEST, Miss Cornholio Farquath Coughnfarts
10-Nov-05 - 06:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Entering Poverty
Subject: BS: Entering Poverty
To Whom It May Concern,

Due to circumstances beyond my control, I am about to take a giant leap into the world of poverty. My life, until this point, has been pleasantly comfortable with little worry for basics. Although my name suggests royalty, I am sad to say that it more accurately reflects the life of a country bumkin, one quite content with many natual wonders of the earth instead of material goods. It is not the joy of entertainment and travel that concerns me as I am very good at entertaining myself and traveling within my own mind with the help of a few good books; why just this morning I journied into the very beginnings of Narnia with Diggory and Polly. Sadly, it is the day to day living that I am concerned with. Utility bills and groceries. I have tightened my belt as much as I can with the utilities and have followed the energy saving tips threads with great interest. That leaves me with groceries and providing meals that are nutritious and hearty for my family. So come all ye fine folk and share your good 'ole down home recipes with me. Help me stretch my pennies so that my nose dive can be an adventure and not a time of despair!

Many Thanks
Yours Truly

Miss Cornholio Farquath Coughnfarts