The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86221   Message #1601896
Posted By: GUEST,Geoduck
10-Nov-05 - 09:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
Who Says There Were No WMDs in IRAQ?
by Doug Edelman
Nov 7, 2005

There is no truth to the disinfomation propogated by the mainstream media, which postulates there were no WMDs, and that Saddam's stockpiles were all destroyed after Gulf War One.
While it is true that no assembled or launch-ready nuclear or chemical/biological weapons have been found, the fact is that many component parts of these weapons have been found – and they even got some mention in the press!

For example:

The U.S. has revealed that it removed more than 1.7 metric tons of radioactive material from Iraq in a secret operation last month.

"This operation was a major achievement," said U.S. Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham in a statement. He also said it would keep "potentially dangerous nuclear materials out of the hands of terrorists".

Along with 1.77 tons of enriched uranium, about 1,000 "highly radioactive sources" were also removed.