The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86197   Message #1601897
Posted By: Bobert
10-Nov-05 - 09:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Saddam Will Rise Again
Subject: RE: BS: Saddam Will Rise Again
Hey, I hope that Saddam does regain his position of dictator!!!

Yeah, that's what I said...

The only thing that will stabilize Iraq, which Bush and all his men can't do, is Saddam...

Then send Rumsfeld over with a nice collection of goodies and a few pats on the back and next thing ya' know, Saddam is eatin' outta our hands again... Ready to gas the Iranians 'er whatever we need him to do...

Saddam was allways a company man... Even when he told Bush I that he was gonna invade Kuwair he go a "wink"...

Then Bush I thought he's roll Saddam under the bus fir political reasons ehre at home (like popularity ratings, sound familiar???) and so Bush I let Saddam go into Kuwait so that he could have a ni8ce little war that was supposed to get Bush I re-elected... Problem is that he mis-timed things and the American people saw thru him a little earlier than thery have now seen thru the son...

But, yeah, I'd take a thousand Saddam's over what we got now which is an endless quagmire of folks diein' (at our hands) and so much of out tax bucks going to buy the bullets...

So, yeah, Saddam.... We need you now more now than ever...
