The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82418   Message #1602018
Posted By: Naemanson
11-Nov-05 - 12:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Happily Ever After In Guam
Subject: RE: BS: Happily Ever After In Guam
Well this is different. Gordon called earlier to ask if we'd had our flu shots yet. We hadn't and he said he would take care of it. It seems his wife, who is a nurse, went to get hers and instead of giving her a shot they gave her 10 doses for her family. They have four doses not spoken for and Gordon offered two of them to us. Pretty cool. That will be a first for me. My friends down through my lifetime have given me some pretty neat things but never medical coverage.

The rock saw arrived at Gordon's house yesterday. The poor postal worker had her hands full getting it into the truck and out again. It was about 150 pounds in three boxes. Now Gordon and I get to put it together.

Wakana has been working in the yard since our return. It's amazing how much stuff can grow on Guam in only three months. Gordon kept the lawn mowed more or less but the jungle visibly crept back into our space. Wakana has been cutting back the new growth and reclaiming our lawn a few feet at a time. She comes in sweating and smiling, feeling like she has accomplished something. The lawn looks very nice now but we still cannot work in the back yard, the ground is too wet. One task back there is too dig out the channel that runs the water around the property. The bank collapsed a little and filled it in.