The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16890   Message #160216
Posted By: George Seto -
08-Jan-00 - 11:49 PM
Thread Name: Helen Creighton, and Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Helen Creighton, and Nova Scotia
I don't quite understand the question, B.

From what I have read of Helen's work, she collected what she heard. AS she heard it.

I read the biography, actualy a couple of them, on Helen Creighton, and her efforts were to keep the music as it was when she heard it.

Also, to explain further, I joined, last year, the Helen Creighton Society, and am a board member. Clary Croft is a past president, and he was a personal friend of hers. Also on the board are several of her neices, and grand-neices. She herself never had children. For that matter, she never married.