The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16784   Message #160221
Posted By: Reiver 2
08-Jan-00 - 11:59 PM
Thread Name: Did you know William Kunstler Esq. ?
Subject: RE: Did you know William Kunstler Esq. ?
A name out of the past. In 1956 (or '57 -- my memory is slipping!) I was one of a small group of 13 who engaged in a civil disobedience act protesting the testing of atomic weapons at the Mercury testing ground near Las Vegas, Nev. This was the first of a series of civil disobedience actions protesting nuclear testing that resulted in a ban on atmospheric tests a few years later and eventually even underground tests as well.

After an all night vigil, we walked into the restricted area on the morning of an atmospheric test, and were promptly arrested. We were taken to Tonopah, the county seat, and tried there. Bill Kunstler came out to defend us. We pleaded no lo contendre and were given suspended sentences. A great man, Bill Kunstler. It's the only time I ever met him, but I'll never forget him. We need more like him.