The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86197   Message #1602219
Posted By: beardedbruce
11-Nov-05 - 08:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Saddam Will Rise Again
Subject: RE: BS: Saddam Will Rise Again

"Lotta folks here have this tunnel vision that only allows them to look at what has been *spoon-fed* them and when someone comes along and says anything tyhat migh be in conflict with their pablum diet of lies, then it's crunch time yet again fir them...."

"Yeah, people love to throw around numbers but numbers can be very misleadin'..."

I agree with you on this- it applies eqully to you as to others
(including, probably, myself and most others on posting here). Care to bring any FACTS to the discussion?

"And given the voter irregularities in Ohio,"

Care to star a thread on this? It seems that only two of the 68 counties in Ohio even used Diebold machines...