The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86152   Message #1602608
Posted By: Joybell
11-Nov-05 - 04:47 PM
Thread Name: Joybell's Adventure Last bit
Subject: RE: Joybell's Adventure Last bit
Try the next bit:

El Morro is far more than we expected and we decide if we ever return to this country we'll definitely spend more time here. It's a huge sandstone outcrop, just West of The Continental Divide and South-East of Gallup. Below the South face of the rock is a small pool fed by a ribbon of water that flows down from ice-melt at the top. Because the pool is shaded the water doesn't evaporate in the desert sun and it has always been an important oasis in the dry high-desert.The walls of the rock are covered in messages from waves of travelers who passed this way. The oldest are petroglyphs carved by the earliest humans who lived here - the ancestors of the Zuni and Pueblo People. The Spaniards began to record their presence in 1605 and then, during the 19th Century, soldiers fresh from the Mexican War. Settlers from the East began to move through on their way to California. As you look at the carefully carved messages you have a sense of slipping in and out of time-zones. We spend hours just gazing at the rock-face. As we turn away I stare at a smooth clean spot high up on the pink rock and place a mind-message there. "We were here too. Me and my True-Love. Signed, Joy"