The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86152   Message #1602611
Posted By: Joybell
11-Nov-05 - 04:50 PM
Thread Name: Joybell's Adventure Last bit
Subject: RE: Joybell's Adventure Last bit
Yay!! Thanks Joe or the Piskie who fixes things.

I'm pleased to find that the Santa Fe Railroad runs right through Gallup and I'll be able to listen for train whistles all night long. We like the town of Gallup a lot. We've been here before, over 10 years ago but we just went right through then. Gallup is part of the Navaho Nation. We noticed the differences last time around and we enjoy the atmosphere of the Navaho towns. Last time we stayed a few days, with a friend and her Navaho companion, in Chinle. It was in the supermarket that we noticed the attitude of the people towards children. The isles were littered with broken boxes, spilling toy trucks, trains and dolls onto the floor. Half eaten candy and fruit mingled with the toys. Little kids sat amongst it all, or ran up and down, happily playing and singing. The shop was run by the Navaho People, for the Navaho People.   It didn't matter. This time around, back in the same area, we are prepared. We pass a shop with a big notice that says, "Please control your children." Not so indulgent in there we think. Another sign, this one in the car park says, "Repair and Maintenance of Motor Vehicles is Prohibited in this Parking Lot". We like that one. We find a "Golden Corral" restaurant. Right away we're back in Chinle. A little boy is busy stacking all the high-chairs into an interesting pyramid right in the entry-way. A line of tiny kids passes us as they circle 'round and round in and out of the doors. The serve-yourself counters have an interesting mix of food that the staff are valiantly trying to keep separate. Sliced meat with globs of ice cream, vegetables with chocolate sprinkles and that's not even at the counter nearest to the dessert one. The dessert section is a scene from a hundred birthdays past. No one even tries to undo the mess. We have a fine time watching the live theatre around us.