The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86152   Message #1602614
Posted By: Joybell
11-Nov-05 - 04:53 PM
Thread Name: Joybell's Adventure Last bit
Subject: RE: Joybell's Adventure Last bit
We are approaching the Petrified Forest. I've wanted to see a petrified forest since I was a little kid and my Dad gave me a little piece of petrified wood. It was the natural magic involved in the whole process that intrigued me. Still does. The way in is through the Painted Desert. We might as well take a look at it too, we think. We've seen Monument Valley and quite a lot of other wonderful desert country. This desert can't be too different, we imagine? Wrong!! The nice Ranger at the information centre tells us that the dust storm is bleaching out the colours somewhat. It's a pity, but we'll still be impressed she says. We drive along an ordinary sort of roadway, around a bend or two, up to an ordinary sort of cliff-edge. Then!! Ahhhh! Ooooohh! I nearly drive us over the edge. We can't believe this marvelous place. Before us is a shallow valley almost completely devoid of even desert vegetation. It's completely filled with low rounded hillocks that appear to be covered with velvet of all shades from bright pink to dark red-brown. It seems to be the pattern of sunlight and shadow that produces the velvet look. It's just the most overwhelming sight. We sit and stare for a long time. It's too windy and dusty to walk around out there which is a pity, but the whole experience is so unearthly that we don't really need to. We drive on, stopping at each vantage point. Some areas have low plant cover, around the edges, near the road. In some, the colours mingle soft blues and greys with the pink and dark red. We pass through the Petrified Forest, our senses still reeling from the views of the Painted Desert. The ancient petrified logs and fallen trees, gleaming of jasper and other pretty gem-stones, fascinate but don't surprise us. I knew the forest was a prostrate one but I think I still had a childhood image of a standing forest of sparkling stone. Donald Duck may have given me that idea, but I may be wrong. It's been a long time.