The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86216   Message #1602666
Posted By: Chip2447
11-Nov-05 - 06:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Veterans' (Armistice) Day - moderated
Subject: RE: BS: Veterans' (Armistice) Day - moderated
Paternal Grandfather Served in the American Army as a messenger in WWI. Unfortunatly he passed away when I was young. There were more pressing matters on the mind of a 10 year old boy than grandad's war stories. I wish that I had shown more interest or he had lived longer for me to get more of his history. The two stories that I do remember are how they drank kerosene in order to prevent pneumonia and how he got stranded on the wrong side of the lines. He was with in earshot of a German unit and could clearly hear their voices. Not understanding the language he didn't know what kind of unit he had found. That is until the railway gun (he called it Big Bertha, I don't know if it was the "Big Bertha" or just a generic railway gun) fired and scared the piss out of him.

Maternal Grandfather, Served as a tanker in the US army in WWII. until Anzio that is. When the Sherman he was driving got hit by a "88". He alone crawled out of a hole that to quote him "he didn't know how anyone crawled out of" and spent the rest of the war either in a body cast for the broken back, shattered pelvis and broken collar bone, or convalescing.

Uncle by marriage served with the USN during Korea.

Uncle with the USN during Vietnam.

Best friends;
USN during the Cold War.
USMC during the Cold War.
US Army during the Cold War.

First cousin's husband USMC currently in Iraq.
Brother in Law's Best Friend LT Col. USMC just returned from Iraq. Brother in Law's baby Brother reports to USMC boot Camp in May.

A heartfelt thanks to all who have worn or will wear the Uniform to fight and maybe die for the Freedoms that so many of us take for granted. To the families of those who didn't return, to our brethern and their families in other lands.

Chip2447 (USN Vet 1978-1982)