The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86197   Message #1602761
Posted By: Teribus
11-Nov-05 - 08:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Saddam Will Rise Again
Subject: RE: BS: Saddam Will Rise Again
To both Bobert and to Little Hawk who both spout on here about how things were so much better in Iraq under the direction of Saddam Hussein - Just have a chat with those who had to suffer under his rule. Then come back and tell us all about it. JESUS-H-come-dancing Christ are you both so fucking stupid. No talking theoretical hypothesis here, just listen to the people whose lives this man his regime and his family completely and utterly destroyed (the rate on average was 282 per day). Oh sorry I forgot their suffering and their sacrifices are nought but a mere bagatelle compared to your dislike and loathing of George W Bush, who after all only won two elections (ask Al Gore - he conceded the first, the American population definitely endorsed the second) now live with it, get over it - much as you hate them Bobert it just happens to be a FACT.

By the bye LH you are the poorest fucking student of history that I have ever come across, you haven't the vaguest clue about the study of the subject. As for poor old Bobert, well he can't read (so he cannot understand ANYTHING that is put in front of him) he can't write (so he can't convey rationally what he wants to say, he masks this by puttin' on this West Ginney crap and the lefties on this forum fall over themselves agreeing with his crap), he doesn't understand figures that have been independently verified, so he simply invents his own to suit his arguements.