The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86197   Message #1602866
Posted By: Bobert
11-Nov-05 - 11:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Saddam Will Rise Again
Subject: RE: BS: Saddam Will Rise Again
You ain't picked an issue, T-Lite... All you have picked is a bunch of a stuff that can't be proved one way 'er another becuase right now, there's way too much stuff coverin' it up... Now if you weant the particulars on the 2000 Election Thievery, read Greg Palist's book "Best Democracy Money Can Buy"... I dare you... Hey, 2004 was Diebold's year accross the country... Hmmmmm? Wonder why the exit polls were so different from the3 final results... Firast time since exit polls have been used that there was such a discrepency between on how voters said they voted for and the final results... Do I have proof???

Don't take a weatherman to tell which way the wind blows...

Yeah, pick like a real issue... You know, ahhhh, like a policy??? Taht too much to ask?????

You get to pick it...

No Child Left UnRecruited, Katrina, Tax Policy, Protectin' the Snail Darters in Alaska....

Shoot, bring it on...

You see, 100% of legislation that has been written under Bush wasn't wtritten by anyone other than corportist lobbiests and beneath it all is yet another trick to try to steal the workin' man's stuff...

Don't think so??? Pick yer friggin' issue!!!

Hey, I'm not only given you the choice of weapons but also the element of surprise.... So take yer best shot!!!!
