The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86174   Message #1603176
Posted By: Peter K (Fionn)
12-Nov-05 - 03:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Blairs first defeat
Subject: RE: BS: Blairs first defeat
Keith, it's surely poor form to cite an example as proof of your argument then blithely wash your hands of it the first time anyone asks you to enlarge. But in all probability the example wasn't worth anything to start with, otherwise Blair and Clarke would have clutched at it rather than leave themselves with nothing.

If you're that worried about your two sons, after their recent brush with death, you might have to fork out for them to spend the rest of their lives in long-haul flight. It's safer than any environment they're like to encounter on the ground, apart from perhaps a high-dependency unit in a private clinic. But do NOT ever let them take a car journey - even a short one. According to your own perception of risk, that would mean certain death.

Visit this thread for more risks you need to know about.

According to Channel 4 (ITN) news in the UK this evening, US troops have detained 35,000 Iraqis since Bush bragged "mission accomplished". Fewer than two per cent of them have been charged with anything, and fewer still convicted. I wonder if Keith & Co seriously believe this has made the world a safer place. I can't imagine it's won many hearts and minds.