The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86221   Message #1603195
Posted By: GUEST,Arne Langsetmo
12-Nov-05 - 04:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
Susu's Hubby: I see that the meaning of the above message has sailed smoothly over the top of your cute little pointed head.

Susu's Hubby [from before]: I've gone round and round with them about the 100,000 number they keep throwing around and just what it includes...

Which you did. You seem to have spent a fair amount of your bandwidth disputing the "100,000" figure (while also seeming unfairly to tar all liberals with actually claiming this number; can you say "straw man"?).

That's what I was responding to. I responded in a different place and with a different point to your rather strange claim about how "lib'ruls" are all railing about how Dubya did too much in Iraq and (unfairly or hypocritically in your perverse logic) too little for Katrina. Feel free to respond to what I said about this other point of yours at your pleasure.

I personally feel that 15-20K civilians is probably on the low side, and that the number of Iraqi combatants killed in the war is far less that 80K. And I'd dispute the number of supposed foreign insurgents killed. I have a hard time believing that it's anywhere near 80K for all your "baddies" combined (but the U.S. has refused to do "body counts" [until recently] so it's hard to know). If you have actual sources to back up those figures, out with them. Regardless, as I said, even your 15-20K number, if we want to take your low-ball estimate as a starting point for discussion, is a grievous total, and particularly for those who have lost loved ones, and even more so because this all was totally unnecessary.... And I'm really sorry that you can't see that.
