The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86221   Message #1603285
Posted By: Teribus
12-Nov-05 - 06:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
Eh Bobert,

The Iraqi population has just voted for their constitution - FACT

The UN has just extended the mandate for the MNF to remain in Iraq until the end of 2006 - FACT

After the elections to be held on 15th December 2005 there will be a duly elected Goverment of Iraq - FACT

I know you hate those facts Bobert but like GWB winning two terms - you've just got to learn to live with it.

Oh nice to hear from you Don, how's the TAP pipeline coming along, have they laid so much as one joint of pipe yet? By the way Don you are as shakey and weak a student of History as Little Hawk, to wit - "Hitler was in command of the biggest, deadliest, and most aggressive war machine the world had ever seen" No he wasn't, in actual fact if Hitler hadn't acquired the armour he captured in Czechoslovakia he would not have been able to attack in the West. The advantage that the German armed forces had in 1939 lay in their command and control, not in the quality or number of their weapons. When Hitler launched his attack in the west in 1940 the British and the French had greater numbers of tanks, they had technically superior tanks in terms of design, they just didn't know how to use them. The British had far superior aircraft, but they were not used in close co-operation with ground forces, when the Luftewaffe came up against them over Southern England it was Britains superior command and control of those fighter defences that beat the German airforce even although the latter outnumbered the former by damn near six to one.

So Mr Firth before you start spouting a complete and utter load of crap, why don't you do a bit of homework and research what you are talking about.