The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16890   Message #160332
Posted By: George Seto -
09-Jan-00 - 11:43 AM
Thread Name: Helen Creighton, and Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Helen Creighton, and Nova Scotia
That's it exactly, Dick. In Clary's biography, it quotes information from Helen's journals stating exactly that. The bawdy songs, people wouldn't sing. The Risque ones, she couldn't get published. Remember, most of her work was partially underwritten by the National Museum of Canada, and the Library of Congress at different times. The publications which were non museum types were from University press organizations. Back in the 30's through the 60's when Helen was collecting, it wasn't heard of to have that "sort of thing" published.

If you were looking for Union(communist) material, I believe Edith Fowke had some publications with material of that vein included.

Clary mentions an incident whereby Edith Fowke had sent a copy of a book she was publishing which contained some union song or other, and Helen was extremely incensed over the inclusion of this sort of song.

Seems to me we've had discussions about that type of "sanitization" in the forum here. You might see if you can locate those threads.