The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86219   Message #1603339
Posted By: paddymac
12-Nov-05 - 07:55 PM
Thread Name: from Wolfdog - help me learn about Mudcat
Subject: RE: from Wolfdog - help me learn about Mudcat
Welcome, Wolfdog. By luck or divine providence, you have stumbled into the most friendly and helpful place in webworld. Joe pointed you in the right direction by referencing the FAQ (frequently asked questions) thread/link. Joe and his colleagues (lovingly referred to as "Joe Clones") provide a great service by helping those of us less skilled in the web and its "tricks" get the most out of the marvel that is Mudcat.

A thread is what you have started. I would define the term as a linear discussion on a specified topic. But, you will quickly that many Mudcatter's have a penchant for posting near the fringes of the topic of the thread. That is called "thread creep" and should generally be avoided. In its extreme form, "thread creep" might more properly be thought of as "thread piracy," also an act on impoliteness. (Please note the word "creep" here is usually used as a verb, and not a personal adjective).

Don't ever be afarid to ask a question. The more specific or focused it is, the more likely to find help. Somebody will eventually be along with a helpful answer.