The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16891   Message #160334
Posted By: George Seto -
09-Jan-00 - 11:50 AM
Thread Name: Do you tell someone to shut up?
Subject: RE: Do you tell someone to shut up?
Did you ever see the episode of the Andy Griffith Show, where Barney Fife joins the local choir?

As far as the loud, or inexperienced Bodhran player is concerned

1 - The singer should have the option of saying no "drum", or no "accompaniment" on this or that song.

2 - whomever is facilitating the Session, should have the clout to do that as well.

Speaking as a non-musician, who has to STRETCH his ears to hear one singer among 6-8 guitars and 2 bodhran players and a fiddle. And this from only 8 feet away!