The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85215   Message #1603648
Posted By: Malc Bedworth
13-Nov-05 - 07:23 AM
Thread Name: The mighty Bedworth! Who's going?
Subject: RE: The mighty Bedworth! Who's going?
Hi Geoff,
People will be let in (wristbands will need to be shown), what the Rugby Club are concerned about (and rightly so I guess) is that if dozens of people move from the town centre to the Rugby Club at pub chucking out time, the yobs will latch on and tag along and this would cause a problem. This is a new venue for us this year and one that we need to nurture for the future so we need to tread carefully - it's taken us 27 years to get a sensible location for campervans and we wouldn't want to loose it at the first hurdle - I'm sure you understand. You may want to get a consensus from the audience in the singaround about moving to the Rugby Club at say just before 11 as they should all be ticket holders who will be able to access the Rugby Club, or it's still not too late to change the finish time for the singaround to 10.30 (that may be the best idea as people could take a leisurely walk to the Rugby Club and be ready in good time for the start of the sing), I'm open to suggestions (as long as they are decent!) As I'm writing this I'm coming to the conclusion that 10.30 end for the pub singaround is the right thing to do.