The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16892   Message #160393
Posted By: guinnesschik
09-Jan-00 - 01:59 PM
Thread Name: D/FW Banjo Pickers!
Subject: RE: D/FW Banjo Pickers!
mY NAME IS kAREN, AND WE'VE BEEN PLAYING AS eAMMON'S kITCHEN FOR ABOUT FOUR YEARS. we'VE (OOPS, sorry) played at the Tipp, at the Celtic Quill (yuk), St. Patrick's day parade two years in a row, third scheduled. We've also played the Celtic Heritage Festival in Bedford, and we're playing NTIF this year. We recently lost our banjo picker due to distance, although he's still working with us on and off. I can be e-mailed at ,a nd we can be checked out at WE need ya', man! (grin) How doy you feel about bluegrass?

We need to talk!