The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86221   Message #1605160
Posted By: GUEST,petr
14-Nov-05 - 08:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
LH, thanks for correcting that bit about Czech Cavalry...
and thanks for the analysis of the battle or britain (you might have added that there were also many Czech and Polish expatriot pilots who fought on the British side.)

as for the title thread..
I think the facts speak for themselves..
no WMDs were found... didnt David Kay already come out with that a year ago..

did the Bush Administration mislead? they took a page out of Goebbels book, a lie repeated often enough becomes the truth..

just keep saying "wmds.. saddam al qaeda and 9/11" in one sentence and sooner or later the MAJORITY of Americans believe that WMDS were found, that Saddam had links with Al Qaeda (even though GWBUsh himself admitted that wasnt the case)

George Tenet called it a 'slam dunk case' whereas Colin Powell now views his presentation to the UN as the low point of his career.

and now instead of investigating the failur to find WMDs which was the main reason to go to war as the Democrats have demanded, they will be investigating who leaked that bit about Americas 'secret prisons' all around the world.

(here what Gwynne Dyer had to say about Iraq)
The British Ministry of defence wanted an ubiased poll and paid local academics withouth telling them who actually commissioned the poll.
and they got a truthful report -- 45 percent of
Iraqis support attacks against "coalition troops" (mostly Americans and British), and less than one percent believed that foreign military
involvement was helping to improve security in Iraq.

Since 20% of Iraqis are Kurds who want independence and see the US
invasion as helping their goal, so when you subtract the Kurds,
practically all Arabs in Iraq, both Shia and Sunni, and not just 82
percent of "Iraqis", are "strongly opposed" to the presence of foreign
troops. Almost two-thirds of Arab Iraqis, not just 45 percent of "Iraqis",
believe that attacks on occupation troops are justified.

       The game is over. It's time to go home. But you know they won't.