The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86316   Message #1605764
Posted By: Mr Red
15-Nov-05 - 03:39 PM
Thread Name: Folk Map of the UK - new website
Subject: RE: Folk Map of the UK - new website
Google Maps inform me I need IE 6

Which I have at work - but how the hell can I test my website if I install anything my target audience don't all have?

If Jim's folk maps don't work it may be a browser thing. And the thing about browsers is snooping and locking you in to their system. Be it M$ or Opera or Firefox. There is money in it for them.

If Google maps is so useful what ever happened to Streetmap and Multimap which work on all graphical browsers. And most of us know where a town is - and if not there is always a link to multimap - for locating which is what I do on