The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86391   Message #1606945
Posted By: LilyFestre
16-Nov-05 - 10:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Blood alcohol level & effects
Subject: RE: BS: Blood alcohol level & effects
What is this all about? We choose how much we drink as individuals and I believe most of us know our limits. Why do we need to talk about it?

I imagine that you have never loved someone who was killed due to drinking and driving or had someone pick a bottle of alcohol over being part of your family, watched someone die because they drank so much that their liver quit or how about a phone call that said your college aged child have died from alcohol poisoning.

Apparently folks DO need a helping hand when drinking gets out of hand. It's serious stuff...don't ever be fooled into thinking it isn't.

Something else you might want to consider when folks are drinking as to amounts....medications drastically effect how a body reacts to alcohol.

One that makes little sense but is quite true is this...a diabetic who is drinking may appear to be drunk and having a grand old time. One might think that alcohol, due to sugar content involved, would raise blood sugar levels, but in actuality, blood sugar levels drop. A diabetic with low blood sugar will exhibit the same behaviors as someone who is drunk. This becomes extremely dangerous if the diabetic passes out...friends will think that so and so had too much to drink....chances are that they have passed out due to low blood sugars and need medical attention (and some form of sugar) IMMEDIATELY.

Sure, we are adults and SHOULD be able to make responsible decisions for ourselves. Alcohol overrides that. I think it's up to everyone to make sure that when one person is unable to make safe decisions for themselves, to step matter how cranky the drinker might get about it.

*stepping down from my soapbox*
