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Thread #86221   Message #1607136
Posted By: Bobert
17-Nov-05 - 07:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
Once again the hawks divert attention away from the reasons the American people were told for war into little details of sticky UN resolutions... Heck, if every country in the world got invaded becuase they were not 100% complient with ebvery UN resulotion or treaty, wouldn't be many uninvaded countries to name...

As we speak our own US of A carries out torture on prisoners/detainees ion violation of the Geneva accords.... Maybe the UN needs to issue a resolution on the US of A ordering use to cease this behavior and maybe impose sanction if we don't and maybe attack the US of A after some period of time if we don't quit torturing folks???

But back to the premise of the war... The first PR shot fired at the citizens of the US of A was by Condi Rice with her "mushroom cloud" statement... Maybe my friend, BB, would like to tell the folks just how far the Iraqi's missles were capable of flyin' and then maybe a followup onhow far it is from Iraq to the US of A...

See, the discussion shouldn't be about the picky-unny details but the big piccure and that is that, yes, the Iraqi's were cooperating with the inspection teams... That' the real story here... What motivated them to cooperate is not the big story but a mere sidebar... (And if your gonna quote this quote the entire paragraph please...)

Now here's another bit of food fir thought that folks aren't talkin' much about and that is why Iraq would not be fully cooperative. Hey, given how little they had in the way of weaponry, it is quite feasable they didn't want their neighbors to know how poorly they were equipped to defend themselves... If you'll recall the Iran/Iraq war it was the US supplying them and giving them tactical support that tipped the scales... If I'm running a Middle East country that is poorly equipeed to defend itself against it's neighbots, I ain't gonna run no full page ads advertisin' it... Just food for thought.... But should you think about that fir a second, try to do it as the head of any state Arab state in the region...
