The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86333   Message #1607816
Posted By: Dani
17-Nov-05 - 10:39 PM
Thread Name: Elizabeth LaPrelle concert in PA
Subject: RE: Elizabeth LaPrelle concert in PA
Boy, was that show a treat. Thanks for reminding me, Rita! Somewhere, in a computer I can't access probably, there are photos of that night.

The packed house was SPELLbound. But it was the doo-wop encore Elizabeth sang with Sandy that brought the house down, just in case you folkie purists get to feeling a little proprietary.

Hey, LaPrelle's, I'm not sure you know that among the happy fans that night was writer Lee Smith, and her husband. I hope/think that you all will find each other again someday...


PS: I saw your niece recently: she's getting big! PM if you come for a visit, I'd love to re-connect.