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Thread #86221   Message #1608626
Posted By: Ron Davies
18-Nov-05 - 10:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
Ah, finally, Teribus, we meet on the field of battle (well, just the field of debate). I have to say that , like some other posters, I'm disappointed in the new Teribus incarnation. I had to grudgingly admire the old Teribus, who was the only Bush apologist actually capable of defending his policies with fact and logic (though I didn't agree). As I have remarked elsewhere, it was indeed ironic that the only remotely sensible Bush apologist was not American. None of the American pro-Bush posters ever made any attempt to make sense--they were all full of sound, fury, and sophistry--and signifying......

However, you unfortunately are just a feeble imitation of that earlier Teribus. Something must have happened.

Now to business.

If the president of the US needs nobody's sanction he has to face the consequences if he does act on his own. There are a few little problems:

1) To declare war he needs Congress' approval (except possibly in your fantasy world)--I wonder why that's why the Iraq war is not officially a war. Or perhaps you'll enlighten us as to when that declaration of war took place. (We know when the declaration of victory was---before most of the "Coalition" soldiers were killed.)

2) The main point you ignore is that the violation of UN sanctions and resolutions is the excuse given by several Bush apologists ( on Mudcat, even!) for the invasion. Sorry, that won't fly--the US never had UN authority to invade Iraq. You can cite violations of UN sanctions and resolutions forever--it does not change the fact that the UN never gave the US authority to invade Iraq. This is the main point you consistently--and conveniently--dodge---------and the crux of the matter.

But now we have Bruce, who says the US did have the authority.

OK Bruce--against all evidence you obviously have convinced yourself--I'm sure that you and Teribus, who delight in quoting UN resolutions ad nauseam, will be so good as to to quote exactly the UN resolution in which the UN ceded its own authority to the US and blessed the invasion of Iraq. Direct quote please--including number of resolution, exact wording and date. Exactly when was this resolution?

However, I won't hold my breath.