The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86221   Message #1608643
Posted By: GUEST,Arne Langsetmo
18-Nov-05 - 10:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
BB: That still does NOT account for the missing scuds- it just shows that we were NOT able to find them.

Objection, your honour, assumes facts not in evidence.

Ummmm, BB, there weren't any. Hope that clears things up.

I still hold YOU and those who did not demand that saddam comply to be guilty of causing THIIS war, by encouraging Saddam to think he did not need to worry about any consequences to his actions. You have the blood on your hands.

LOL. Can you say "projection", Bruce? My, that's a big word. But I know you can. I sleep like a baby, Bruce. From your tenor here, I suspect you can't say the same ... bet it's getting pretty uncomfortable in that noggin of your with your conscience getting squeezed into the corners by your limbic system....

That's quite a ... -- ummmm, "unique" -- argument there, even for a Dubya apologist. Ranks right up there with the current nimber one hit on the RNC "spin machine" hit parade: the "The Democrats wer just as stoopid as us" excuse....

[Arne]: ... and refusing to take responsibility for the consequences of my acts. Fair 'nuff???"

Fair enough. I am waiting for you to do so.

Ummmm, Brucie, I doubt that Saddam wasn't paying much attention to me. But I wasn't the one cheerleading a war, either. Think you're going to lay the blame for the carnage in Iraq on me? That's the most absurd thing I think you've sadi here, and I'm suprised you'd commmit such stoopidity to print.
