The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65881   Message #1608701
Posted By: LadyJean
19-Nov-05 - 01:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: A Wonderful Story
Subject: RE: BS: A Wonderful Story
My dad wrote about a young lieutenant from Alabama at the Kasserine Pass. He found himself with five tanks facing most of a Panzer division. He took each of those tanks and fought it, facing the Panzers with one tank. He had five tanks shot out from under him, and didn't suffer a scratch.
Following his capture, he would tell his fellow P.O.W.s "Well we saw the Germans comin' and the sergeant asked me, should we take the co covers off the guns. And I said, don't do it sergeant 'cause they might get mad." He'd tell this story over and over, until his fellow POWs were ready to have him court martialed.
I think this was the same fellow who wound up in the chess game. A young man from Virginia used to lord it over a kid from Alabama, because he was a "gentleman" who could play chess. The "gentleman" wasn't that good at chess, and it was just too easy to teach the kid from Alabama how to beat him and then set up a match.

One More! The first time Dad tried to go under the wire was in Italy. He was recaptured almost immediately, spent the night in an Italian jail eating black bread and black olives. The next day, the Germans went looking for Martin Bruce. They never found him. Dad's name was Bruce Martin.