The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65881   Message #1608801
Posted By: Helen
19-Nov-05 - 06:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: A Wonderful Story
Subject: RE: BS: A Wonderful Story
When I was about 18 and just left home I caught a late night bus home from Uni. An older man got on the bus, which was empty except for me, and sat down near me. I was worried because I was on my own and he had a look about him which was a bit alarming.

He didn't tell me his story, but the words he said are still with me: "It wasn't only the Japanese who tortured people in the war".

He was like the Ancient Mariner, who had a tale to tell which no-one wanted to listen to. I often wonder, if I hadn't been the only other passenger on a late night bus, would I have listened and helped him to relieve his psychological burden, but a lone, young female at night doesn't encourage conversation with a strange old man.

I don't know what response I gave except to nod my head to say, yes, I understand what you are saying. Yes, I can see the burden you are living under.

I wonder if he rode those buses late at night hoping to find someone who would listen to his story.

Also, Amos, you may be interested in Nevil Shute's autobiography, called Slide Rule. He worked on the design of one of the airships built in England. It's one of my favourite books.
