The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86508   Message #1609166
Posted By: GUEST,Ang
19-Nov-05 - 06:49 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Pronunciation - Griogal Cridhe
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Pronunciation - Griogal Cridhe

Already did the search... some useful info there. I found my favourite version of the song (only ever heard the English version up till last year, which does the song no justice whatsoever!) on the Scottish Women/Boireannach Albannach CD, sung by various wonderful singers including Margaret Bennett, Ishbel MacAskill, Elspeth Cowie and others. Maybe I should just sit down with a pen and the pause button :) but if I'm going to sing the song in the future I want to get it right. I speak a little Irish but I'm drawn to Scots Gaelic and wouldn't want to wade in with a little knowledge and spoil it. These are the lyrics Ishbel MacAskill sings:

'S iomadh oidhche fhliuch is thioram
Sìde nan seachd sian
Gheibheadh Griogal dhomhsa creagan
Ris an gabhainn dìon

(Obhan, obhan, obhan iri
Obhan iri o
Obhan, obhan, obhan iri
'S mòr mo mhulad, 's mòr)

Dhìrich mi dhan t-seòmar mullaich
'S theirinn mi 'n taigh làir
'S cha d'fhuair mise Griogal cridhe
Na shuidhe mun chlàr

Eudail mhòir de shluagh an domhain
Dhòirt iad d'fuil an-dè
'S chuir iad do cheann air stob daraich
Tacan beag bho d' chrè

B'annsa bhith le Griogal cridhe
Teàrnadh chruidh le gleann
Na le Baran mòr na Dalach
'S sìoda geal mu'm cheann

Chan eil ùbhlan idir agam
'S ùbhlan uile aig càch
Sann tha m'ubhal cùbhraidh, caineil
'S cùl a chinn ri làr

Nuair bhios mnathan òg' a' bhaile
Nochd nan cadal sèimh
Sann bhios mis' air bruaich do lice
Bualadh mo dha làimh

