The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86506   Message #1609272
Posted By: Bobert
19-Nov-05 - 11:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gettysburg Address
Subject: RE: BS: Gettysburg Address
Screw Lincoln!!!

Next the current one he was prolly the worst president we ever had...

No, make that worst, Bush II included...

Lincoln pushed the South into a war that neither side needed to fight...

He pitted brothyer agasinst brother...

This war weren't about slavery... that's just revisionism... Heck, there were slaves during the War for Southern Independence being kept in Lincoln's Washinton, D.C.!!!! Like what was that all about???

Would have been better to have two countries....

I mean, just look at Anietum.... Some 30,000 dead in one day!!! And over what???

Yeah, better to have two countries....

Plus lets look at the supposed "reconstruction" and the some 70 years of Jim Crow afterwards!!!! Terrorism aginst black folks....

This weren't 'bout nuthin but politics...

yeah, Lincoln is no hero... He was a jerk of jerks....
