The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86506   Message #1609711
Posted By: Bobert
20-Nov-05 - 07:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gettysburg Address
Subject: RE: BS: Gettysburg Address
No, MIck, I never said that or meant to imply that slavery would "just" disappear... It still would have involved a major struggle, much the way the Civil Rights movement or the anit-war movements were struggles... And stuff would have happened that wouldn't be too purdy... But it would have happened... And it wopuld have happened without Lincoln's stupid war... ASnd it very well might have happened before 1954... I'm thinkin' that WW I would have been the outter limits...

I am suggestin' that the War was a set back for the country, fir whites and fir blacks... Can I prove it? No! Can you prove I'm wrong? No!

But one thing fir sure... America wouldn't have this eternal dirty little not-to-secret...

As much as folks make such an effort to gloify this sad chapter, they will never wipe clean the stains... Maybe that's why they spend so much time glorifying it... I just wish that had the power to trasport each person who thinks that Lincoln's War was justified back to Antietam, or Gettysburg, or Petersburg, or Fredricksburg, or Richmond fir just 10 seconds and then return them to the here and now....

There was nothing glorious about Lincoln's war and there was nothing glorious about fightin or dieing in it...

Maybe this is a tough pill to contimplate beause it has been so thouroughly sanitized thru revisons and rewrites...

Slavery would be long over with either way and ther USA or the USA and the CSA woyuld be better off today had it not been fought...

That is my opinion...

And no, it is not an unfair argument to say some thing like, "Hey, you didn't grow up in the South"... Nothin' unfair about it... I grew up in Virginia, which though the most northern o0f the CSA states is very much a Southern state, both in its history and it's culture...

Si when I talk about this I don't mean it to be a testimonial er nuthin' but stuff I have observed in my life... Not much different than sharing guitar tabs fir a song... Don't make me better 'er worse... Has nuthin' to do with that kind of stuff... Just gives me a different perspective on some things, perhaps...
