The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86506   Message #1609796
Posted By: Big Mick
20-Nov-05 - 08:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gettysburg Address
Subject: RE: BS: Gettysburg Address
Bobert, the same could be said for all wars. The same could be said for WWII, WWI, any of them. All wars have a terrible by product, all wars cause bad before they yield the good. And they never totally solve the problems. WWII didn't solve the problems of intolerance, in fact a good argument could be made it spawned the Cold War and the nuclear arms race. Would that be a good reason to condemn taking down the Nazi's?

I think I get where you are coming from, and accept the nature of it. I don't think you are condemning the abolition of slavery. I know you to be a fine person, a tolerant person, and a middling (nyuk nyuk) bluesman. I just think you are off base on this one. Let us agree to disagree.

All the best,
