The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86545   Message #1610545
Posted By: Tannywheeler
21-Nov-05 - 05:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Help! I have laryngitis..........cures?
Subject: RE: BS: Help! I have laryngitis..........cures?
Be (vocally) VERY QUIET. Avoid company--even grandchildren. (Tw, you never said that! Yes, I did.) Drink tea with honey and lemon; if there are coughing spells, mix 4 oz. Scotch with 4tblsp. sugar and take by the spoonful to quiet the attack. Eat garlic several times a day. Make some real chicken stock, reduce it, salt to taste, and drink hot cups of that several times a day. Sleep a lot. Hot lemon and honey are also recommended. Read books, eat garlic, drink tea or stock, nap...what else?? Ah, yes--get a brandy snifter, pour in 2 oz. Scotch, one tsp. sugar (or honey); add moderate length of cinnamon stick (maybe broken up a bit), 2 or 3 whole cloves, a piece of candied ginger. Have ready some boiling water, add 2 oz. to other stuff in brandy snifter. Stir gently and sit over the glass inhaling the fumes. When cool enough to sip without pain start doing so. Don't rush this process, but finish drink before it's stone cold. Go back to bed and read yourself to sleep.....Tw