The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86545   Message #1610614
Posted By: leftydee
21-Nov-05 - 06:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Help! I have laryngitis..........cures?
Subject: RE: BS: Help! I have laryngitis..........cures?
Thanks for the advice everyone. I'm trying the scotch cure as we speak. Actually, another friend suggested a product called Musinex to break up the congestion and it seems to be working quickly. I have a gig in two weeks and I hope to shut up 'til then. The root cause of this, other than the grandkids, is dripping sinuses. I've been taking antibiotics and think the infection is gone but still have the drip. I'm going to see my doc for the 3rd time tomorrow. It would be spectacular if I could improve my voice like Don did. Unfortunately, my voice starts at a fairly scarey level. Maybe I could improve up to just lousy. Thanks again! Lefty