The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86506   Message #1610871
Posted By: Bobert
21-Nov-05 - 11:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gettysburg Address
Subject: RE: BS: Gettysburg Address
Can't agree with you more, Ron...

But to kill over half million people and subject Southern black folks to another 80 yeears of terrorism???

Think about what you are sayin', my friend...

Slavery would have been history, at worst in another 50 years... BVut that's is worst case. Heck it might have been over before the end of the Union occupation in '76 if Lincoln had played his cards right...

The Civil War (which it wasn't) was a political disaster more than anything else... Lincoln had it within his powers to not ramp up a war...

You are getting terribly confused by the slavery issue in itself, Ron... No, it went well beyond slavery into just what the "United States" meant in an 1860's USA...

This was more about a state's right to some level of sovierinty, irregardless of position on slavery...

Slavery was on it's way out anyway...

BTW, 80% of the Southerners who choze to fight had never owned a slave in their entire life....
