The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16951   Message #161115
Posted By: Áine
11-Jan-00 - 11:27 AM
Thread Name: There's gotta be a song here! (Challenge: lentils)
Subject: RE: There's gotta be a song here!
{A la 'Blazing Saddles'}:

Scene: A clear, crisp evening in a small town near a mountainous wilderness area in the western United States. A little girl and her mother are enjoying gazing at the stars in the sky. Suddenly, bright short blazes of light appear on the mountain.

Little Girl: Mommy, what are those lights on the mountain?

Mother: Well dear, a few years ago, when you were just a baby, there were people who were so afraid of the new year that they bought a lot of lentils and went to live in the mountains. That's where they still live -- no one knows why.

Little Girl: But Mommy, what happened to the lentils?

Mother: I don't know dearest, but I heard your Daddy say once that they're great to break the ice at parties!