The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86600   Message #1611417
Posted By: Dave Sutherland
22-Nov-05 - 02:47 PM
Thread Name: Bob Dylan in UK - now
Subject: Bob Dylan in UK - now
Bob Dylan has been on tour in U.K. for a week now - and not a word on Mudcat? I saw him on his first night, on his first visit to Nottingham; personally, with a few reservations mainly with regard to the sound and the venue, I had a great time as did the people around us. The following night the "Nottingham Evening Post" published a very acurate and balanced review of the concert only to receive a barrage of comments either in support or violently against him. He ignored the audience, he sounded bored, he didn't play guitar, he didn't sing his "greatest hits" and more. Reports from the national press from Nottingham and his ensuing gigs have been equally varied. Anyone else seen him this time round, any opinions?