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Thread #86221   Message #1611727
Posted By: GUEST,AR282
22-Nov-05 - 10:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
The pro-WMD crowd is losing this one for the simple fact that they have words and little else to offer as evidence of this huge stockpile of deadly weapons that Saddam could have trained on the US within 45 minutes or whatever crap Chalabi fed Bush who willingly swallowed every drop without spilling any.

The claims of the Bush administration regarding Iraq were wrong and it will take more than telling me the leftist/liberal press is suppressing the facts to convince me of the righteousness of that position.

There were no WMD found in Iraq--end of argument. Now unless someone can produce these weapons, it's time to stop with the spin and the charade.

Today, Cheney was quoted as saying it was not the U.S. that had to prove its claim that Saddam had these weapons but rather it was Saddam's burden to prove he didn't. Now, if this isn't the hallmark of being unable to admit you were wrong, I don't know what is. "We woldn't have invaded if he'd proved he wasn't stockpiling weapons" is not cutting it and the American public is not fooled (this time). It's a tiresome argument insulting to the inteligence of anyone who has any.

The bottom line is, if you pro-war people don't start producing results that prove this war can possibly have any other outcome but defeat, you can insist to the rocks and trees that Bush was right about Saddam and you'll have a better chance of getting a response than you will from the average American. We've seen enough. Either we change tactics or we'd better get out while the getting is good.

Staying until we are victorious is synonymous with staying forever with no way out. And the truth is, we getting ready to leave. Already we are hearing stories about the miraculous progress Iraqis have suddenly made in assuming control of their own affairs and--hey presto--we just might be able to leave soon. Isn't that special?

But that won't get your precious Bush off the hook. He owes us an explanation. If that makes me un-American in his eyes, oh well, I'm un-American then but I still want an explanation.